Determine whether the following resources can be re-mixed and legally released as a derivative work, then answer the questions below.


Try your luck with this hand

  • Can these resources be combined and legally released as a derivative work?
    • Yes
      • Correct. Resources in the public domain and CC-BY licensed materials can be mixed with a BY-NC licence.
    • No
      • Incorrect. These licences are compatible. The public domain and CC-BY materials can be combined with the BY-NC materials.
  • Which of the following licences could be used for the derivative work?
    • All rights reserved Copyright
      • Correct. Since CC BY-NC does not contain a copy-left or Share-alike condition, it can be re-licensed under ‘all rights reserved’ (ARR), since no further rights are gained of an ARR work. You would still not be able to use this commercially.
    • CC BY
      • Incorrect. The NC restriction on the photo means the derivative work could not be licensed as CC-BY.
    • Released under a public domain declaration
      • Incorrect. The attribution requirements of CC-BY and the NC restriction would not allow this.
    • CC BY-NC
      • Correct The derivative work can be released under the same conditions of the most restricted licence in the pack. There are, however, other alternatives as well.
    • CC BY-NC-ND
      • Correct. It is possible to release this combination under a more restrictive licence by adding the ND restriction. However, where possible, we recommend that re-mixers try to respect the intentions of the original creators, especially where no new or original materials have been added.
    • CC BY-NC-SA
      • Correct. It is possible to release this combination under a more restrictive licence by adding the SA restriction. However, where possible, we recommend that re-mixers try to respect the intentions of the original creators, especially where no new or original materials have been added.
    • CC BY-SA
      • Incorrect. The NC restriction of the photo means that the NC restriction must be included in the licence for the combined materials. The SA licence does allow commercial activity for value-added services, on condition that the derivative work is also released under a share alike licence.


This is a re-mix inspired by the online version of David Wiley’s OER re-mix game.