Before you begin the following activity, remember that each of the CC licence terms may be represented by a symbol (or mark):
The GNU Free Documentation Licence (GFDL) and a work available in the public domain (PD) may be indicated with the following symbols:
GFDL – GNU Free Documentation Licence
PD – Public Domain Dedication
Test your licence re-mix knowledge
In this short exercise, you will consider a number of re-mix scenarios to explore licence compatibility.
How to play?
- The dealer will deal four cards, each representing an open educational resource (OER) that you would like to combine for a derivative work.
- At its centre, each card has an icon representing its media type. The four media types are: Text, Image, Audio, and Movie.
- Each card also shows the licence symbol of the original resource. The licence may be CC BY, CC BY-SA, CC BY-NC-SA, CC BY-ND or GFDL, or it may be considered public domain.
- You would like to include supporting text and guidelines for learners with each resource. In addition, you plan to write an introduction for the compilation. This means the materials you produce will be considered a derivative work.
- You will be able to choose an appropriate licence for the derivative work in each example.
- The release of your own copyright must be compatible with the licensing requirements of the OERs used. (For the purposes of this exercise, you are not required to make value judgements (assessments of something as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ in terms of your own beliefs and/or priorities) about the licence choice.)
You can progress to the next hand dealt by clicking on the “next” arrow at the bottom of each page, or by using the links below:
This activity is a re-mix inspired by the online version of David Wiley’s OER re-mix game.
Before you begin the following activity, remember that each of the CC licence terms may be represented by a symbol (or mark):
BY – Attribution
SA – ShareAlike
NC – Non commercial
ND – No derivatives
The GNU Free Documentation Licence (GFDL) and a work available in the public domain (PD) may be indicated with the following symbols:
GFDL – GNU Free Documentation Licence
PD – Public Domain Dedication
Test your licence re-mix knowledge
In this short exercise, you will consider a number of re-mix scenarios to explore licence compatibility.
How to play?
You can progress to the next hand dealt by clicking on the “next” arrow at the bottom of each page, or by using the links below:
This activity is a re-mix inspired by the online version of David Wiley’s OER re-mix game.